“NOT AS I WILL BUT AS YOU WILL” Christadelphian thoughts based on the daily readings for 25th July 2016

Today we read the account of the dreadful last 24 hours or so in the mortal life of our Lord Jesus. It is clear he was mortal, otherwise his death was only a sort of ‘mirage.’ His agony of mind in the Garden of Gethsemane shows he knew what awaited him. It is possible he reasoned, as he prayed to his father, that his father’s will could be the same as with Abraham when he was willing to sacrifice Isaac and the Father, at the last moment, would intervene. (Gen. 22 v,10-12).
With what utter urgency of mind Jesus prayed, “if it be possible let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” [Matt. 26 v.39] This clearly shows Jesus had a separate will to his Father, he was not an ‘automated’ son. The theory of later centuries that the Father and Son are co-equal, co-eternal, etc. is pure human theology and is false, many scriptures make this plain, especially Hebrews 5 v.5-9.
There are several lessons that flow from this, especially the lesson for us on the foundation purpose of our lives and what our “will” should decide as to the paths open to us in pursuing our ambitions in life: it is essential we make them with a clear appreciation and acceptance of true godly principles.
Sometimes there are critical lessons to be learnt! We saw the lesson Peter learnt in a mind of extreme anguish: he had brash self-confidence in declaring he would never deny his Lord, as we read in v. 33.
It can be that when we seek relaxation from the battles of life as David did, as we read today in 2 Samuel 11 v.1-2, that we let down our defences and our clear vision of our relationship with our Saviour is dulled. There is a proverb about idle hands, there should be one, and probably is, about roving eyes and minds!
There has never been an age when human minds and eyes have been faced with such a multitude of opportunities to rove as there is today. . All around us are those who indulge in ungodly ways and each year, it seems, this occurs to greater and greater degrees.
Let Jeremiah’s trials and his words, we also read today, be examples to us, “I did not sit in the company of revellers … because your hand was upon me … your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O LORD, God of hosts.” [15 v.17,16]
Is Jesus your LORD, are you called by his name? Then let us follow Jeremiah’s example, and may God’s “will” – but our “will”!
By Bro D.Caudery