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21 May: Prophecy News Update: Cracks appearing in NATO! Is it to be dissolved? -Something needs to change. Video Post Bible in the News

Cracks appearing in NATO
The state of the nations before the Kingdom of God
May 18, 2017 – Audio, 10.29 MIN
(Links at bottom of page to download free viewers.)

Relationships are at an all time low between Russia and NATO. The members of NATO themselves do not seem to be overly convinced by their union. Cracks are appearing in the NATO alliance as we would expect from Bible prophecy.

Hello, this is Matt Davies joining you for Bible in the News.

The State of the Nations before Christ’s return

In the Bible in the news we often discuss the wonder of Bible prophecies which relate to the state of the nations before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth. We consider these prophecies and look for evidence of the hand of God in world affairs.

We turn to prophecies such as Daniel 2, Daniel 11, Zechariah 12-14., Ezekiel 38, Joel 3 and Revelation 16. We see how these prophecies all give us different aspects of the same story.    They depict a unification of the Kingdoms of Men, an alliance of Russian, European, North African and Far Eastern countries – all of whom will come down upon the “mountains of Israel” after the Jews have been regathered to their land.

Something needs to change

We look up from our Bibles and glance at the political landscape around us. Although we do see many encouraging things coming to pass as the prophecies have predicted, there is currently one major thing which needs to change.

Currently, we have Russia and the territories of Europe very much in a stand off against each other in the situation in Eastern Europe. They are not on the same side.

This situation has been brought about by the Russian aggression in Eastern Ukraine. Back in 2014, in a bid to ensure that the Ukraine looked East and not West, Russia made several military incursions into the Ukraine after it famously annexed Crimea. This aggression has been resisted by the Ukraine and its European supporters.

At the moment, the situation is in a stalemate. Ukraine is part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Members of this organisation include America, the UK, Turkey and most European countries such as Germany and France. Russia is not a member. They have a pact to defend each other. Should one country be attacked all other NATO countries would defend that one invaded country. NATO troops have been sent to Eastern Europe to deter a full blown Russian takeover. This has been called “Operation Reassurance”.

On the 24th of April, Sputnik ran an article entitled “Russia-NATO Ties at ‘Lowest’ Point Since End of Cold War – Russian General Staff.”

On the 18th of May, the Mail ran an article entitled “Russia strengthens its Baltic forces with additional warships and fighter jets in bid to out-gun NATO.”

What will change to bring about the picture the inspired prophets have painted in the Bible? A picture which would indicate that the military and political policies of Europe would be aligned to, and become under the leadership of, a Russian autocrat termed in the prophecies Gog. A leader who, it seems, unites both East and West under his influence.

Such a picture could surely come to pass very swiftly as current events indicate.

NATO to be dissolved?

The United States of America is currently the largest military power and it is a major player in NATO. However in his presidential campaign, now American President, Donald Trump stated that NATO was “obsolete”.

On May 18th the Economic Times reported:
“Donald Trump does not have much patience for “lip service” and would pull out of NATO if its member countries do not make major efforts in combating terrorism and fulfil their financial commitment. He (Trump) is at a place now he would like to stay in NATO. But he also is not going to stay in NATO if it doesn’t make a lot more progress much quicker,” a senior Trump administration official said yesterday, ahead of the NATO Summit in Brussels next week. “

So the USA is prepared to pull out of NATO if they feel the other countries are not making the same financial contributions as they are. There are massive cracks in the Nato alliance.

Back in February the Independent ran a report entitled “EU leaders defiant over US pressure to increase Nato defence budgets”.

The article went on to state:

“Donald Trump’s defence secretary James Mattis says US could ‘moderate its commitment’ if other members do not pay fair share…
…German Chancellor Angela Merkel has ruled out increasing Nato defence spending less than a week after the Trump administration issued an ultimatum to members. Ms Merkel said Germany would honour its long-standing commitment to increase defence budgets by 2024 but would not accelerate its plans. It came as European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker urged Europe’s leaders to resist US pressure to increase European defence spending.”

Donald Trump will shortly be starting a tour where he will attend a NATO summit in Brussels over the coming days. The tour will also see him visit Israel and the Southern Gulf States and we will watch this with great interest on Bible in the News.

The idea of dissolving NATO is not only on the lips of the American President. In Germany earlier this year politicians are also flirting with this idea.

In January, Russia Today ran a news article entitled: “‘Dissolution of NATO, military alliance with Russia’: German Left leader echoes Trump.”

The article stated:

“A military security system, which would include Russia, should be set up instead of NATO, Sahra Wagenknecht, leader of the German Left party said in an interview, echoing Trump’s recent statements on NATO. NATO must be dissolved and replaced by a collective security system including Russia,” Wagenknecht told Germany’s Funke media group on Tuesday. NATO has received its fair share of criticism in the German media following US President-elect Donald Trump’s recent interview published by Bild, in which he called NATO an “obsolete” organization.”

Bible prophecy

We cannot tell if the dissolving of NATO is a part of God’s plan at this moment in time or not. However what we can say is that the picture given to us in Ezekiel 38 would indeed indicate that the European nations (termed in the prophecy “Magog and Gomer”) will be aligned with Russia (the “Rosh, Meshech and Tubal” of the prophecy). In the great crisis which will unfold these nations will not be with the American and UK “Tarshish” nations. Therefore it seems NATO will indeed need to change. We would expect America and the UK to distance themselves from the Europeans and the Europeans will need to draw closer to the Russians.

So, we watch events unfold then with interest knowing that God is at work in the Kingdoms of men and knowing that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming first to conduct the resurrection and judgment before he, and his immortalised saints, appear on the world scene.

Therefore we could only be a heartbeat away from the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are witnessing the final events of the time of the gentiles before his return to reign in peace from Jerusalem.

Soon the inspired words of the Psalmist will come to pass where we read:

“All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Yahweh, when they hear the words of thy mouth. Yea, they shall sing in the ways of Yahweh: for great is the glory of Yahweh”. Psalm 138:4-5

Keep listening and watching with us. This has been Matt Davies joining you. Join us again next week for another Bible in the News.

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Bible in the news trace

14 May: Israel Independence Day: A Remarkable speech by the U S Vice President Mike Pence Video Post Bible in the News

A Remarkable speech by the U.S. Vice President Mike Pence
The following remarkable speech by Vice President Pence was given at an Israel Independence Day Commemoration Event in the White House.
Watch the video here. (Click Image to play)

May 8, 2017 – Audio, 14.00 MIN
(Links at bottom of page to download free viewers.)
The introductory remarks by Ambassador David Friedman highlighted the fact that this was the first time the White House had celebrated Israel’s Day of Independence.  This Is Paul Billington with you this week.
THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Well, thank you, Mr. Ambassador.  Thank you all for being here.  And on behalf of the First Family, welcome to the White House.  (Applause.)
I bring greetings from the President of the United States of America, President Donald Trump.  (Applause.)  And on behalf of President Trump, just a few minutes ago, I had the distinct honor to wish a happy Independence Day to Prime Minister Netanyahu over the phone as we celebrate the 69th anniversary of the independence of America’s most cherished ally, the Jewish state of Israel.  (Applause.)
I want to thank all the distinguished guests who are here and members of Congress who made time to come to the White House this afternoon, and people representing a broad spectrum of Americans who all cherish the relationship that the American people have enjoyed throughout these 69 years with the people of Israel.
It’s humbling to be here with you on this remarkable and even a hallowed day.  From Secretary Steve Mnuchin to Ambassador David Friedman — (applause) — to Senator Orrin Hatch, who has been a great, great champion for Israel all these many years in the United States Senate.  (Applause.)

Mike Pence giving a speech speaking of the miracle of Israel.

Distinguished members of Congress, including Congressman Peter King, who’s with us today.  (Applause.)  Republicans and Democrats who are gathered here, honored guests, my fellow friends of Israel, thank you, on behalf of the President of the United States.  Just thank you for being here today at the White House to celebrate this day, the anniversary of a moment that will be remembered for eternity.
You’re all here, all of you, regardless of your home, your creed, because on this day, the fifth day in the month of Iyar in the Hebrew calendar in 1948, nothing short of a miracle occurred.  On that day, in the ancient and eternal homeland of the Jewish people, the state of Israel was reborn.  (Applause.)
On that day, the Jewish people’s 2000-year exile, the longest exile of any people anywhere, ended.  And on that day, a prophecy literally came to pass.  And I believe in my heart that God himself fulfilled his promise to his people.  The Lord God tells us in the Old Book, “Behold, I will cause breath to enter into and ye shall live.”  And Israel lives today.  (Applause.)
Today and every day, the state of Israel and her people bear witness to God’s faithfulness as well as their own.  How unlikely was Israel’s birth?  How much more unlikely has been her survival?  And how confounding against all odds, both past and present, has been her thriving.  Since the moment of their independence, the Israeli people have awed the world with their strength of will, and their strength of character.  They’ve turned the desert into a garden, scarcity into plenty.  And people of Israel have turned hope into a future of security and prosperity.
And at all times, in war and in peace, the people of Israel and the Jewish people have held their heads high.  Every day, Israel takes the curses and slanders of too much of the world and turns them into blessings.  The dignity of the people of Israel rebukes all who condemn them, not for what they do wrong, but they condemn them for what they do right.
And under President Donald Trump, let me assure you of this — if the world knows nothing else, the world will know this:  America stands with Israel.  (Applause.)  President Trump stands with Israel for the same reason that every freedom-loving American stands with Israel — because her cause is our cause.  Her values are our values.  And her fight is our fight.
And President Donald Trump is a lifelong friend and supporter of the state of Israel and its people.  You know, I’ve seen firsthand the President’s deep affection for Israel and all who cherish her, and so has the world.  Just last week, President Trump stood with Holocaust survivors during the National Days of Remembrance.  And he declared, “I will always stand with the Jewish people, and I will always stand with our great friend and partner, the state of Israel.”  (Applause.)
For my part, my Christian faith compels me to cherish Israel as well as our deep alliance and historical ties.  The songs of the land of the people of Israel were the anthems of my youth when I was growing up.  You know, my wife and I had the privilege of visiting Israel in 2004 and 2008, and we fulfilled a lifelong dream to bring all of our children to the Holy Land in December of 2014.  It was a joy — inexpressible.
So let me say with confidence to all who are gathered here:  President Trump stands without apology for Israel, and he always will.  (Applause.)
Just look at the actions our President has taken since he took office.  The President named David Friedman to represent the United States of America in Israel.  (Applause.)  The President named Governor Nikki Haley to be America’s Ambassador to the United Nations.  (Applause.)  And the President of the United States, as we speak, is giving serious consideration into moving the American embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  (Applause.)
To be clear, the President has also personally committed to resolving the Israeli and Palestinian conflict.  Even now, we’re making valuable progress toward the noble goal of peace.  Thanks to the President’s tireless leadership, momentum is building and goodwill is growing.  And that while there will undoubtedly have to be compromises, you can rest assured President Donald Trump will never compromise the safety and security of the Jewish State of Israel — not now, not ever.  (Applause.)
President Trump has made it clear America stands alongside Israel, as friends and as allies, as together we confront those enemies who threaten our people and all that we hold dear.  Since the moment of their nation’s birth, there’s hardly been a day when the people of Israel have not lived without war or the fear of war, or the grim reality of terror.  Know today that our prayers for the safety of the people of Israel, each and every day, go from the hearts of the American people to heaven.  And know that Israel does not stand alone.
Today, under President Donald Trump, America’s support for Israel’s security is at record levels.  (Applause.)  And in President Trump, America has a leader who will call our enemies by their name.  I want to promise you, as the fight even goes on now in precincts around Mosul and Iraq, even in northern Syria and Afghanistan, this President is determined to keep his promise to the American people.  ISIS is on the run, and we will hunt down and destroy ISIS and terrorist organizations at their source so they no longer threaten our people, our allies, and our most cherished ally, Israel.  (Applause.)
And under President Donald Trump, America will stand strong in the face of the leading state sponsor of terrorism.  This administration has put Iran on notice.  America will no longer tolerate Iran’s efforts to destabilize the region and jeopardize Israel’s security.  Under President Donald Trump, the United States of America will not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon.  (Applause.)  This is our solemn promise to you, to Israel, and to the world.
History attests that enmity toward the Jewish people often turns from evil thought to evil action.  The State of Israel bears witness to this truth.  On this day, so many years ago, only three years after the horrors of the Holocaust, Israel was given life by a people who had looked into the eye of the angel of death.  The Jewish people have persevered through history’s darkest hour, for in that darkness shine the light of faith, of hope, and of love.
It was faith that led the Jewish people to return to their ancient homeland.  It was hope that spurred them to strive with all their strength for a brighter future.  And it was love for each other, and a love for freedom, that has inspired the Jewish people to greatness at the hour of Israel’s birth and every hour since.
And so today we celebrate and we marvel at all that Israel and her people have accomplished.  We praise their vigilance and resolve in the face of crisis and condemnation, and for their enduring courage in this time of widening challenges and unknowable threats.  And today we remember the sacrifice of those who gave so much for Israel’s existence, and for those brave men and women who stand sentry at this very hour.
Israel is an eternal testament to the undying fortitude of the Jewish people, to the unfathomable power of human freedom, and to the unending faithfulness of God.  Indeed, though Israel was built by human hands, it’s impossible not to sense that just beneath their history lies the hand of heaven.  For as God tells us in his word, speaking to his people so long ago, “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
I believe these words are as true today as they were in millennia past.  And so I say with confidence, with your help, with God’s help, through the strength and courage of the people of Israel and all who cherish her, and with President Donald Trump in the White House, the best days for Israel and America are yet to come.  (Applause.)

Thank you very much.  May God continue to bless and protect Israel and the people, and may God bless America.  (Applause.)

Thanks for joining us again for Bible in the News, come back next week for another edition of the Bible in the News at


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08 May: Preaching Aids: Finger posts: What is Wrong with the World?


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Bible in the news trace

07 May: Trump to visit Jerusalem! Israel planning massive building spree in Jerusalem Video Post Bible in the News

Trump to visit Jerusalem!
Israel planning massive building spree in Jerusalem
May 1, 2017 – Audio, 6.32 MIN
(Links at bottom of page to download free viewers.)
President Donald Trump is set to visit Jerusalem a day before Jerusalem day and the 50th anniversary of the reunification of the city. Trump is reported to be scheduled to arrive on May 22 and leave on May 23. Jerusalem Day is celebrated in Israel this year beginning at sundown on May 23 until sundown on May 24.

Ynet News Reported:

“After much speculation surrounding the precise date, White House marks May 22 for President Trump’s first official visit to Israel, where he will stay for one night; Secretary of State Tillerson will accompany the president, along with UN Envoy Nikki Haley, a staunch Israel supporter, and Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.”

There is speculation as to whether Trump may announce moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem on this trip. There is also a report that claims Trump will recognize all of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Time will tell! Without question however, Trump’s entourage has to be one of the most pro-Israel ever and certainly more so that the last administration’s.

Israel planning massive building spree in Jerusalem.

This was the headline on Arutz Sheva, the story also reported by Ynet News. Israel is planning building 25,000 new homes in Jerusalem, including 15,000 more homes in East Jerusalem, in areas liberated during the 6-day war 50 years ago, including Pisgat Zeev and Gilo.

Not only is this May/June celebrating 50 years since the liberation of Jerusalem during the 6-day war, this coming November 2, marks 100 years since the issuing of the Balfour Declaration by the British government and December is 100 years since the liberation of Jerusalem by the British from the Ottoman, Turkish Empire. Israel’s biblical calendar was divided into periods of sevens. Every seven days was the Sabbath day, every seven years was a sabbatical year when debts were forgiven and every 7 sabbatical cycles (49 years) was the great year of jubilee when every man was free to return to his land of inheritance. These were the milestones of Israel’s national life under God’s law. I considered this last year on Bible in the News:

The jubilee was announced by a great trumpet blast throughout the land of Israel. It was a time of redemption, liberty, returning to the land of inheritance and to families. It was related to the day of atonement and so to forgiveness and the renewal of the covenant. It was therefore also connected to solemn worship, while being a time of great rejoicing. It was also a time of travel up to Jerusalem, for the feast of tabernacles. Isaiah 27:13 prophesies of a great Jubilee trumpet being blown, “And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the Lord in the holy mount at Jerusalem.”

Daniel’s 70 Week Prophecy.

Since I considered the Jubilee last year on Bible in the News, I noticed another prophecy that is divided into Jubilee periods. This prophecy is the prophecy of 70 weeks in Daniel 9. This prophecy foretold the time from the command to rebuild and restore Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince. 70 weeks is 490 days, which prophetically based on a prophetic day for a year is 490 years. This is 10 Jubilee periods. Another example of this principle was when Israel had to wander 40 years in the wilderness based on the 40 days the spies had searched the land, each day for a year (Numbers 14:34). Again, when Ezekiel had to lay on his side for the iniquity of Israel and Judah, he was appointed “each day for a year”. It would not have been possible for Ezekiel to lay on one side for 390 years on one side and 40 years on his other side. So Yahweh condensed the time to a length suitable to the symbology.

The 70 weeks are broken down in Daniel’s prophecy into periods of 7 weeks, 62 weeks and 1 week. The first period is 7 weeks, or 49 years, from the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem. This command went out in in 457 BC, in the 7th year of the reign of Artaxerxes (Ezra 7:8, 12-26). So, during the first return to the land at the time of Ezra and Nehemiah there was a Jubilee period, which marked the commencement and completion of the work. A further 9 Jubilee periods marked the completion of the work listed in Daniel 9:24.

During the first restoration and return to the land under Ezra and Nehemiah, events were measured by the 70 week prophecy according to Israel’s 7 year calendar cycle, including the Jubilee year. So during the great restoration which leads up to the establishment of the kingdom of God in Israel, it would seem fitting too, that the Jubilee period would be used.

In 1917 Britain issued the Balfour declaration — an issuing of a government policy to pursue the endeavour to create a national home of the Jewish people in the land of Israel — a policy in some ways similar to that of Artaxerxes. 49-50 years later in 1967 Israel took possession of all of Jerusalem and the mountains of Israel, the area known as the West Bank.

We are now in 2017, another ‘Jubilee period’ on. The government in Israel is getting ready to move ahead with a massive building spree in Jerusalem and the Prime Minister of the United States is about to make a visit to the land of Israel. All eyes will be watching Israel and Jerusalem to see what greater events may develop.

Events continue to move forward at a rapid pace and we will be watching with excitement and interest as they unfold. This has been David Billington with you, return next week as we once again consider the Bible in the News at


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World a Hair Breath

22 Apr: The World’s Nations: On Brink of World War 3 & Nuclear War – Video Post Bible in the News

World A Hair’s Breadth From Nuclear War
The world is edging closer and closer to an international conflict, the scale of which has not been seen since the Second World War.
April 19, 2017 – Audio, 20.11 MIN
(Links at bottom of page to download free viewers.)
These last two weeks saw a rise of tensions in North Korea as the US sends a carrier group to the area, fallout from the gas attack in Syria followed by the US strike against Syrian bases, a referendum in Turkey giving Erdogan dictatorial powers, and a the call for an election in Britain to help move BREXIT further  ahead, ISIS attacks in the Sinai, along thwarted terror bombings in France, all of which are causing consternation worldwide and causing stability to dissipate.
 Click image to play Video

During the past two weeks, the deterioration of the relationship between Russia and America has been exacerbated by events worldwide. This has caused much concern amongst international observers as the world is edging closer and closer to an international conflict, the scale of which has not been seen since the Second World War. Warnings are coming from all quarters of the globe.

These last two weeks saw a rise of tensions in North Korea as the US sends a carrier group to the area, fallout from the gas attack in Syria followed by the US strike against Syrian bases, a referendum in Turkey giving Erdogan dictatorial powers, and a the call for an election in Britain to help move BREXIT further  ahead, ISIS attacks in the Sinai, along thwarted terror bombings in France, all of which are causing consternation worldwide and causing stability to dissipate.

US-Russia a hair’s breadth from war

Former Soviet Leader Micahel Gorbechev warns of War

Former Soviet leader, Michael Gorbechev warned that the US and Russia are in a new Cold War with the US-Russia arms race ‘in full swing’. In an interview with Germany’s Bild news paper he stated:

“The language of politicians and the top-level military personnel is becoming increasingly militant. The relationship between the big powers continues to worsen. This creates the impression that the world is preparing for a war. So all the indications of a Cold War are there.”

The Independent commenting on Gorbechev’s statements went on to state:

“Large-scale military exercises have seen Russian and Nato troops, tanks and weapons stationed ever closer in neighbouring countries amid disquiet over the Kremlin’s intervention in the Ukrainian war.”

Russian media anchor Dimitry Kiselyov in his weekly news show Vesti Nedeli made that statement:

“The world is a hair’s breadth from nuclear war”

On the other side of the pond, the US sees the same thing in reverse as US Navy Admiral Michelle Howard stated:

US Navey Admiral Howard:
Russia’s Navy more active than during Cold War

“We’re seeing activity that we didn’t even see when it was the Soviet Union…. They’re a global navy, I understand that. But the activity in this
has substantially moved up in the last couple of years “

This is in keeping with the words of the prophets:

“Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, Let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: Beat your plowshares into swords, And your pruninghooks into spears: Let the weak say, I am strong.” (Joel 3:9–10)

The bellicose backward and forward tussling between the US and Russia is approaching dangerous levels.

Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, while criticizing North Korea’s president for its reckless nuclear actions, was more critical of America:

“I really hope that the kind of unilateral action we recently saw in Syria won’t happen (in North Korea) and that the USA will follow the line which President Trump repeatedly set out during his pre-election campaign.”

By which is was referring to Trump’s comment that America would not become the worlds policeman.

News syndicates throughout the word carried the headline “Russia declares US relations in ‘worst period’ since the Cold War.” This comes from a statement made by the Kremlin surrounding the trip of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to Moscow. The Russian foreign ministry stated:

“It’s clear that Russian-American relations are in their worst period since the end of the Cold War, the previous U.S. administration has done all it could to exacerbate them.”

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

Russia and America are poles apart on how to handle Syria. Tillerson stated:

“I think it is clear to all of us that the reign of the Assad family is coming to an end, but the question of how that ends and the transition itself could be very important, in our view, to the durability … of a unified Syria. I hope that … the Russian government concludes they have aligned themselves with an unreliable partner in Bashar al-Assad.”

Obviously, publicly telling Russia “you’ve betted on the wrong horse” is not going to warm Russian relations with the US. Russia certainly doesn’t see things the same way.

UK-Russian Relations Worse Ever

It is not just America’s relationship with Russia that has degenerated. During the past two weeks Britain’s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson cancelled a planned visit to Moscow following the chemical attack in Syria. Alexander Yakovenko, Russia’s Ambassador to the UK, gravely warned of Russia-UK relations,

“There is no bilateral relationship of substance e between our two nations, that is beyond mere diplomatic ones.”

Yakovenko accused the UK of “raising tensions” in Europe over its decision to deploy 800 troops to the Estonia, near Russian border:

“We deplore that deployment for it raises tensions in Europe along the border between NATO and

Alexander Yakovenko, Russia’s Ambassador
to the UK – relationship is worse than ever

Russia. Russia doesn’t pose any threat to Estonia nor any other NATO member-state.”

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Yakovenko was asked if he believed the relationship between Britain and Russia is the worst they had ever been, to which he bluntly stated, “Yes, it is.”

Interfax reported on April 10th:

“Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov . . . said . . . “The American side has thus demonstrated its complete unwillingness to cooperate on Syria in any form or take account of each others’ interests and concerns. . . The return to pseudo-attempts to settle [the Syrian conflict] in the spirit of reciting ‘Assad must go’ mantras cannot bring anyone closer to political settlement in Syria,” he said.

Russia is Not Leaving Syria

The deteriorating situation worldwide intensifies most in the Middle East. This week commentator Juan Cole, Professor of History at the University of Michigan, published an article entitled, “Russia’s not Leaving: Syria is about old-Fashioned Sphere of Influence, not Oil.”

In the article, he discussed the areas of influence in Syria:

The West and Northwest are a Russian sphere of influence, and the Bashar al-Assad regime and the Russians have, as I said, all but defeated the fundamentalist rebels there. 

Discussing the areas of influenced he displayed a map, pointed out Assad’s areas of control in the red, while geographically small represented about 75% of the population.

Area in red shows Assad’s area of influence in Syria, geographically small, but containing 75% of the population.

Discussing the reason for Russia’s involvement in Syria he hit the nail on the head:

The Syrian conflict is a challenge to economic theories of imperialism… It is not about markets. It is not about monopoly capital. It is not about oil or hydrocarbon resources. It is not about pipelines. Other Middle East conflicts have taken place that could be explained that way. But today’s Syria isn’t such a case….

Syria is important to Russia because:

1. It is near to Russia and Chechen fundamentalist rebels are operating there in alliance with al-Qaeda and with Daesh (ISIS, ISIL). It is unacceptable to Russia for the fundamentalist rebels to win and sweep into Damascus, since this development would potentially destabilize the Russian Caucasus.

2. Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, is a neo-nationalist who feels as though Russia got a raw deal from the US and NATO after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia was reduced to a weak joke, and lost the spheres of influence that characterize a Great Power. It has lost even nearby assets such as the Ukraine. It lost Libya. Syria was a place where Putin could show the flag and bring home some victories.

Juan Cole – Russia is not leaving.

He concluded:

Russia will remain in Syria and will have most of it as its sphere of influence. Russia has clear motivations and clear goals there, a strong ally with most of the population under its control, and a practical plan for accomplishing them, which has worked well if sanguinarily so far.

Commenting on Juan’s article, Minnesota Post writer Eric Black stated:

International relations are far less about good and evil; they’re far more about power…. It makes the fairly obvious case that Russia, which is seeking to recover from a long, steep decline in its power in the world, has only one ally in the Arab world, namely Syria.

Turkey in the new Sick Man of Europe

Further destabilizing the world is Turkey, Syria’s northern neighbor. This week a narrow constitutional referendum victory gave president Erdogan sweeping powers. Picking up on this, McLean’s magazine ran a headline: “Turkey is the new ‘sick man’ of Europe.”

The article stated,

In terms of government mechanics, the changes are far-reaching. They will substantially strengthen and concentrate power in the hands of the president, making Erdogan the official head of state in addition to bestowing upon him the mantle of head of the ruling political party in Parliament. Unlike the American system of government, the new Turkey would see a partisan president in control of both the executive and legislative branches. Parliament loses its Office of the Prime Minister as well as control over budgets and appointments. The president will also have the power to dissolve Parliament. This ensures the predominance of presidential power over the party system. The head of the executive branch is able to make the majority of judicial appointments, and it is very difficult indeed to see how the judiciary could overrule the executive authority and enforce its decisions in any given situation.

The conclusion of the article was:

Turkey’s president Erdogan, leader of  Turkey – a state
being called the “Sick man of Europe” once again.

If the referendum result stands, it will assist in creating a Turkish state with several things in common with its Ottoman parent at the turn of the 20th century. First, it will create an executive authority not based on any democratic separation of powers and resembling more the traditional absolutist role of the Pasha. Second, the reliance on Islamism to govern is manifest and growing….

The April 16 result will only accelerate Turkey’s darkening future as Europe’s new sick man.

Now we know from Daniel’s account that Turkey will be the catalyst of the Russian invasion at the time of the end:

“And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.” (Daniel 11:40)

The him in this passage is the power of Turkey or the Ottoman Turks. The King of the South (The Merchants of Tarshish with all the young lions thereof along with Sheba and Dedan – Ezekiel 38:13), pushed against the Turks during the First World War driving them out of what was then Palestine clearing the way for the establishment of the state of Israel as is stated in Revelation in symbolic language:

“And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates (the power of the Ottoman Turks); and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east (suns rising) might be prepared.” (Revelation 16:12)

This is symbolic language referring to the power of the Ottoman Turks being dried up to prepare the way for the establishment of the kingdom of God, which begins with the establishment of Israel, which is to form the nucleus (the building blocks) of the coming kingdom of God, and Messiah’s rule over the world.

Turkey’s instability may well provide impetus for Russia’s future invasion. Russia has interested itself once again in the Middle East, and specifically Syria, but also Iran, Iraq and Libya as dictated by Ezekiel 38 where we read:

“Persia (Iran), Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:” (Ezekiel 38:5)

Daniel adds to this that the areas of Iraq and Syria will be included as they formed part of the image in times gone by which will be intact when destroyed:

“Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.” (Daniel 2:35)

The composite metals of gold (the Assyrio-Babylonian empire), along with silver (the Medo-Persian Empire), brass (Greece), iron (Rome), and the European iron-clay are destroyed ‘together’. The word together, is the world ‘chad,’ Strong’s #229, corresponding to the Hebrew ‘echad’ or number one, meaning “as one” or “united” and stresses unity and is used similarly of Israel when they “gathered as one man” or of man and wife being “one flesh.” All the composite pieces of the Image, existing in different epochs are gathered together in one and destroyed together on the mountains of Israel as they come to defy the God of Israel one more time. This being the case, the modern nations of Europe including Italy, Greece, along with Iran, Iraq, and Syria – all the geographical areas of the successive image empires must be united again. We see this in the descriptions of the invasion in both Daniel and Ezekiel.

Activities in Turkey are no doubt leading to the “coming together” of this great confederation which will strike Turkey first and then overflow into the rest of the Middle East.

The hostilities developing between Russia and the Tarshish nations are in keeping with the polarized situation predicted in the scriptures of truth.

A General Election to shore up Britain’s separation from the Image

British PM Teresa May invoked Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty
beginning the process to withdraw Britain from the EU in
March, has just called for a general election.

At the end of March, British Prime Minister Teresa May invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, putting Britain on track to leave the European Union in 2019.

This week she shocked the country and called of a general election with the purpose of strengthening the governments hand in moving ahead the BREXIT negotiations. She stated:

Britain is leaving the European Union and there can be no turning back. And as we look to the future, the government has the right plan for negotiating our new relationship with Europe. We want a deep and special partnership between a strong and successful European Union and a U.K. that is free to chart its own way in the world. That means we will regain control of our own money, our own laws and our own borders, and we will be free to strike trade deals with old friends and new partners all around the world.

Britain wants out of Europe, wants it autonomy and wants the ability to reconnect with its young lions and trading partners! May wants a free hand in getting out of Europe as she stated in her speech:

This [leaving Europe] is the right approach and it is in the national interest, but the other political parties oppose it. At this moment of enormous national significance, there should be unity here in Westminster, but instead there is division. The country is coming together, but Westminster is not. In recent weeks, Labour have threatened to vote against the final agreement we reach with the European Union, the Liberal Democrats have said they want to grind the business of government to a standstill, the S.N.P. say they will vote against the legislation that formally repeals Britain’s membership of the European Union and unelected members of the House of Lords have vowed to fight us every step of the way. Our opponents believe because the government’s majority is so small that our resolve will weaken and that they can force us to change course.

While Russia is strengthening itself, preparing for war, and forming its image empire, Britain is quickly standing aside from it and linking itself up with its Young Lion allies according to the endgame that Ezekiel outlines:

“Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof…” (Ezekiel 38:13)

The End Game

With all these world evens hastening to a biblical conclusion we have to ask ourselves what is the conclusion we are preparing for? With all the tension in the world, it is entirely possible that we could face another world crisis that could hail conscription and a last time of testing. Or the testing could be not to be sucked overcome with the cares of this life, choked by the thorns all around us:

“And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word, And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.” (Mark 4:18–19)

With the kingdom upon us it is imperative that we keep our vision focused on the joy that is set before us…. Lifting up our heads for the coming redemption – so that we meet our Lord with joy and not with regret.

For the Bible in the News, this has been Jonathan Bowen joining you

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The EU Celebrates

10 Apr: The EU Celebrates 60 Years Will Britain have an amicable exit from the EU? Video Post Bible in the News

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The EU Celebrates 60 Years

Will Britain have an amicable exit from the EU?

April 1, 2017 – Audio, 10.33 MIN
(Links at bottom of page to download free viewers.)
Last Saturday a special EU summit in Rome, on one of the seven hills, commemorated 60 years since the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community that led to the European Union. The European Union’s remaining 27 leaders — without Britain — declared in a joint statement the EU to be “undivided and indivisible”. The prime minister of Great Britain, Theresa May, was absent from the gathered European leaders.

The pope addresses EU leaders at the Vatican.

The EU faces many challenges and bitter disagreements, with some even predicting a break up because of the departure of the UK from the block. However, the leaders of the most influential countries in Europe plan on moving ahead with all their power. The Telegraph summed up the Pope’s remarks with this headline, “EU risks dying, needs new vigour and passion, says Pope Francis”

Here are some more excerpts from the Telegraph report:

“Pope Francis told Europe’s leaders on Friday the continent faced a “vacuum of values” as they marked the EU’s 60th birthday, condemning anti-immigrant populism and extremism that he said posed a mortal threat to the bloc.

“Prime ministers and presidents from 27 EU member states have descended on Italy to mark the 1957 founding Treaty of Rome, receiving a papal blessing on the eve of the anniversary. …

“”When a body loses its sense of direction and is no longer able to look ahead, it experiences a regression and, in the long run, risks dying,” Francis told the leaders gathered in an ornate, frescoed chamber in the heart of the Vatican. …

“The Argentinian-born pontiff told the leaders they needed to promote Europe’s “patrimony of ideals and spiritual values” with greater passion and vigour.”

Essentially the Pope is calling for Europe to return to its Catholic roots, this is what he means when he talks of Europe’s “spiritual values”. The body of Europe can only prosper, in the pope’s view, if it is moving towards its Roman Catholic destiny. The fact that the anniversary of the European Union was blessed by the pope once again demonstrates that the EU is a Roman Catholic ideal.


French President Francois Hollande meets with the pope.

The Vatican is endeavouring to direct Europe towards a political union with “spiritual values” — Catholic values. Of course the pope would be the authority of those values, ideals and the direction of the political body. The pope likened the European Union of nations to a body, with a direction, a purpose and spoke of that body dying if it didn’t maintain its values and direction.

The Bible also likens the Roman Empire to a body, to a beast in fact. Also the other empires that preceded it are represented by beasts. These are found in Daniel chapter 7. The first beast was the Babylonian Empire, it is represented by a lion. Next there is the bear of the Medes and Persians, followed by the Leopard of Greece. Finally there is the great and terrible beast of the Roman Empire. Even though these beasts are distinct, they are really phases of the same empire. When Darius the Median conquered and took Babylon, Daniel chapter 5 verse 31 says he “took the kingdom”. This idea of the beasts representing different phases of the same empire, is confirmed by how they are depicted in Daniel chapter 2 as one image made of various metals.

The story of these beasts is continued in Revelation. This is easy to see in Revelation 13, where all the beasts in Daniel (lion, bear, leopard and dragon) are in some way part of the beast that John sees.

“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.”


The German Chancellor Merkel leaves after a meeting with the pope.

To confirm that they are the same, one can also compare the characteristics of this beast with the fourth Roman Empire Beast in Daniel 7 and see they are the same.

Revelation 17 presents a latter day version of this Roman Empire beast, who will make war with the Lord Jesus Christ when he returns. Revelation 17:12–14

“And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.”

In Revelation 17, nations (ten kings) are to give their power to a beast (latter day Roman Empire), who is controlled — ridden — by an unfaithful woman. Symbolically a woman represents a religious body, in a good sense a caste virgin to Christ — the ecclesia. Or an unfaithful religious body like Jezebel who turns others away from the truth.

Just as the pope compared the European nations to a body that could die, and had a direction or purpose, so Revelation 17 does also. Verse 8 says the beast was (existed in the past), and is not (has no political life), and shall ascend (will gain political life). The ten kings in verse 13, give their “power and strength to the beast” and so give it political life. The definitions of the words power and strength are extensive, but the parts of the definitions that apply to political power are significant. The word power is defined by Thayer’s as: “strength, ability, inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature”, and, “power consisting in or resting upon armies”. The word strength in a political sense means, “The power of rule or government.” and, “the power of judicial decision”. So the kings of Europe are to give their inherent political power, their armies and the rule of government and judicial power to the beast controlled by the Vatican.

By coming together in the Vatican, to affirm their political unity and unity of purpose the nations of Europe are bringing the beast back into existence and are allowing it to be controlled by the unfaithful religious system — the Vatican. Revelation tells us that they have one mind. This is the same purpose and therefore they create a union. From Revelation we can see that the European Union will not disappear, but will become stronger and the pope will get his wish and will be able to direct the policies and direction of this political body.

Britain was not in attendance at this 60th European Union party as they are moving out of the European Union. We can expect that Britain’s exit from Europe may not be so amicable. Already the divorce is not moving in this direction. There is trouble over the future of Gibraltar. In the Telegraph view, the paper says, “Theresa May must be ready to walk away from the EU”. The opinion piece begins:

“The UK must be prepared to walk away from the Brexit negotiations without a deal. This week, Theresa May made a perfectly reasonable, even conciliatory, opening gambit to the EU. The EU has replied with insults and threats to the future of Gibraltar. If its goal is to tie us up in ridiculous distractions for two years, and even dictate the kind of economy that we will have after leaving, then Mrs May must make it clear that Britain would rather walk than talk.”

If it continues in this way it will force Britain to make trade alliances elsewhere — which is exactly what is happening. In The Telegraph business today, it is reported that:

“Philip Hammond and Mark Carney will lead a delegation of top policymakers to India this week to “bang the drum for British business” as the UK seeks to strengthen ties outside the EU.”

The European Union as an ideal, is more important to the top policy makers in Europe than how their economies will fare after Britain’s departure. Therefore it seems doubtful that the British divorce from the EU will be amicable. The EU has to prove to the nations that give this union life and existence, that it is worthwhile for them to give their power and strength to the beast.

It is amazing to see Britain coming out of Europe and in a way terrifying to see the nations of Europe seeking to come closer together. These are great events that herald the return of the Lord Jesus, which we pray would be near at hand. This has been David Billington with you for the Bible in the News. Come back next week to

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The Return of Christ and the Temple of Ezekiel's Prophecy Part 2

03 Apr: The Return of Christ and the Temple of Ezekiel’s Prophecy Part 2 of 2 Christadelphian TV

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The Return of Christ and the Temple of Ezekiel's Prophecy Part 1

24 Mar: The Return of Christ and the Temple of Ezekiel’s Prophecy Part 1 of 2 2 Christadelphian TV

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Description: The long promised Kingdom of God will be restored when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to reign as King. Israel will endure another holocaust in War before they are delivered.
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The return of Christ

24 Mar: Christ Will Return – Christadelphian TV

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