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Overcoming sadness and depression - A biblical example.

Overcoming sadness and depression – A biblical example.

Summary The content delves into the biblical narrative of Jeremiah and his friend Bayak during a time of great distress and impending invasion. It discusses how Bayak, a faithful friend and scribe to Jeremiah, played a crucial role in recording Jeremiah's prophecies and faced personal struggles as he witnessed the ...
How To Live Like the Bible Says

How To Live Like the Bible Says

Summary This content discusses how the Bible serves as a blueprint for life, drawing parallels between the life of Jesus and the guidance provided in the scriptures. It explores the idea of using the Bible to gain direction, confidence in God, and examples of how to live, mirroring Jesus' approach ...
The Name of Jesus Christ..Origin of Jesus

The Name of Jesus Christ..Origin of Jesus

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The Lord Jesus Christ is Israel’s Messiah, the one promised to the faithfuls of old, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and later to David. Through His work of redemption Gentiles to can be part of the promises. Christ was born of Mary, He did not pre-exist ...
The Antichrist is revealed by the Bible!

The Antichrist is revealed by the Bible!

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Bible teaching about the Antichrist is based on four passages of scripture only found in the letters of John. The talk explains that the Antichrist had its beginnings in the 1st century and amongst other things developed into the false doctrine of the Trinity. It concerned ...
True Religion... Oppression or Freedom?

True Religion… Oppression or Freedom?

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Society teaches us that truth is relative and that religion is oppressive. But is that really true? What does the Bible say about these things? True religion is a way of life and is - maybe surprisingly - synonymous with freedom. Follow along and see if ...
Down to the Sea in Floats  (Mark O'Grady)

Down to the Sea in Floats (Mark O’Grady)

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The Temple in Jerusalem built by King Solomon, needed materials and craftsmen from many areas. The cedar trees of Lebanon were floated by sea to Israel. The work carried out by highly skilled craftsman, would have also required co-operation and support of each other to complete ...
Angels: God's Faithful Servants

Angels: God’s Faithful Servants

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The Angels were made by God. During this Adamic era they are employed by God to serve those who would be heirs to Salvation. Their work in Biblical history is demonstrated down to our present day. Summary The content explores the biblical perspective on angels, their ...
Hell = The grave, not a place of torment!

Hell = The grave, not a place of torment!

Summary The concept of Hell, as understood in the Bible, predominantly refers to the grave rather than a place of eternal torment. This interpretation is supported by various Old and New Testament passages, which use the Hebrew word "Shel" and its Greek counterpart "Hades" interchangeably to describe the grave. The ...
Begin with the end in mind!

Begin with the end in mind!

Summary The talk discusses the importance of starting with the end in mind, using examples from biblical figures like Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Jesus. It emphasises the need to have clear goals and priorities, drawing insights from the book "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". Highlights 💡 Starting with ...
How Jesus Already Knew His Path to the Cross.

How Jesus Already Knew His Path to the Cross.

Summary Jesus, in the days leading up to his crucifixion, knew and foretold the events that would unfold, including his betrayal and abandonment by his disciples. He drew from Old Testament scriptures to understand his path to the cross and prepared his disciples accordingly. Despite the sorrowful events, there is ...
Micah - Who is Like Yah? - 5 Studies - Slide presentation only (Greg Horwood)

Micah – Who is Like Yah? – 5 Studies – Slide presentation only (Greg Horwood)

Description: Micah shows that godlessness brings consequences, but God will complete His purpose with those who listen and turn back to Him. God delights to show mercy and is always ready to forgive our sins. *************************************************************************************** This video was produced by the project, arranged and supported by Christadelphians ...
Was Jesus Human or Divine?

Was Jesus Human or Divine?

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The importance of believing & understanding the human heritage of Jesus as the son of God. God’s plan from the beginning has been focused on the role of Jesus Christ Summary The content explores the question of whether Jesus was human or divine, delving into various ...
The Jews Are God's Chosen People – But Why?

The Jews Are God’s Chosen People – But Why?

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The Jews are God’s chosen people, initially because of the faithfulness of the fathers of old to the promises that were made to them. Despite Israel suffering horrendous persecution because of their unbelief, they have remained a nation when the many persecuting nations have generally been ...
50 Years since the Yom Kippur and now Hamas (John Pearce Enfield)

50 Years since the Yom Kippur and now Hamas (John Pearce Enfield)

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The military history of the 1967 and 1973 wars in Israel are outlined, to illustrate the background to the present war in Israel, and why Israel were taken by surprise. Israel’s future is discussed with possible dates for the return of Christ. Summary The speaker reflects ...
The Sign of the Prophet Jonah

The Sign of the Prophet Jonah

Summary The content explores the significance of the "Sign of the Prophet Jonah" from Luke 11:29-32 in the New Testament. It delves into the story of Jonah, highlighting parallels with Jesus Christ and emphasizing the themes of repentance and judgment. Ultimately, it suggests that the sign lies in heeding the ...
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