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Russia Prepares for a New Offensive in Ukraine!

Russia Prepares for a New Offensive in Ukraine!

Russia Prepares for a New Offensive in Ukraine. Summary The video discusses Russia's potential for a new offensive in Ukraine amid shifting global attention. It reflects on the changing dynamics in Ukraine over the past year, highlighting Russia's strengthening position and Ukraine's diminishing support from the West. Additionally, it ...
Explained - How God Deals with Sin! What is the Atonement?

Explained – How God Deals with Sin! What is the Atonement?

Summary The content explores how God deals with sin, acknowledging that sin is inherent to human nature and affects the world negatively. It discusses the concept of atonement, highlighting that it's not about substitution but about overcoming sinful tendencies. Jesus' sacrifice is presented as a demonstration of obedience and a ...
God's incredible love has conditions.

God’s incredible love has conditions.

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The full extent of God’s Love has conditions. In his great Love he has called us to his plan and purpose, of filling this earth with his Glory into eternity. But if we don’t respond appropriately, his Love will be limited and we won’t blessed to ...
Jesus Answered Nothing.

Jesus Answered Nothing.

Summary The video discusses Jesus' remarkable ability to resist sin despite facing intense temptations, especially during his trials leading up to the crucifixion. It highlights how Jesus remained silent in the face of false accusations, drawing parallels with Old Testament prophecies and Psalms. His ability to control his response is ...
Are we heading for the End of the World in 26:40 seconds?

Are we heading for the End of the World in 26:40 seconds?

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Men’s hearts are failing them with fear as they see what is happening to this world. Yet there is hope, but not in man, but in the GOD of the Bible and its message. GOD will never let this earth be destroyed. There have always been ...
“Evidence Of A Designer”

“Evidence Of A Designer”

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Each animal is enabled to do what it does because of its unique design. For its safety, the cheetah makes a chirp like a bird. The bottle-nosed dolphin relies on living in pods and communicates with its mates. The albatross can fly great distances because of ...
Jerusalem: city of conflict, hope and ultimate peace

Jerusalem: city of conflict, hope and ultimate peace

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Jerusalem is currently a city of conflict, yet the Bible promises it will be a place of peace, prosperity, and justice. This talk covers the history of Jerusalem, the conflict it is currently afflicted by, but most of all focuses on how Jerusalem is really a ...
Why Baptism Really Matters

Why Baptism Really Matters

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Baptism is a command given by God to all that believe on Him. It demonstrates our association with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. By examining examples of baptism in the New Testament we can see that baptism must follow belief. It is not the ...
Why the Spirit gifts were withdrawn?

Why the Spirit gifts were withdrawn?

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Before his ascension our Lord Jesus promised his disciples that in his absence their preaching in his name would be helped by the Comforter, or Spirit gifts. These were received at Pentecost and included God given abilities to prophesy, to be expert teachers, to heal, to ...
God and Death - 2 Studies

God and Death – 2 Studies

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Have you ever wondered what happens when you die? What does the Bible really say? This two part presentation uses extensive Bible references and explores the nature of man and the resurrection. Summary The content delves into the themes of God, death, resurrection, judgment, and the ...
Biblical Punctuation Explained

Biblical Punctuation Explained

A @Christadelphians Video: Summary The video discusses how the Bible is divided into chapters and verses for easy reference, despite not originally having such divisions. It also highlights the role of punctuation in shaping interpretation, cautioning against misinterpretations caused by added punctuation. Highlights 📖 The Bible is structured into chapters ...
God's Promises to David - Why they affect you!

God’s Promises to David – Why they affect you!

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The thread running through the Old and New Testament is the ‘Good news’ of a kingdom to be established upon the Earth, with Jesus Christ, son of God and son of David ruling in righteousness. We all have the freedom to choose to be associated with ...
The Tower of Babel (Dan Blackburn)

The Tower of Babel (Dan Blackburn)

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Known by the city in which it was built, the “Tower of Babel” was the expression of human pride united by one language and a determination to rebel from the unchanging God of the Bible. But the existence of Babel, with its desire to build a ...
The Thief on the Cross

The Thief on the Cross

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: A clear and concise explanation of Christ’s promise to the thief about being in paradise. The emphasis on the word “today” can change the meaning of the verse but when compared with other areas on the Scripture on death and the soul, we can more simply ...
Christ's coming will bring unprecedented change to the world.

Christ’s coming will bring unprecedented change to the world.

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: When Christ returns to the earth to rule, there are major changes in the world. A recent address by the Secretary-General of the United Nations Organisation gives a snapshot of the dire situation in today’s world. The righteous rule of Christ will bring many blessings as ...
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